Monday, May 4, 2009

Easy Abdominal Strengthening

weekly asanas
Abdominal Strengthening Exercise

Try the Abdominal Strengthening Exercise asana
along with Wai Lana, watch it here

Sit-ups are safe if your lower back is strong and you do them correctly. This means making your movements smooth, never jerking your body up to the sitting position. If your back is weak, just practice the easy version to strengthen your abdominals and lower back until the full sit-up becomes easy. You'll get all the same benefits.

1. Lie on your back.

2. Bend your knees until your feet are flat on the floor. Raise your arms over your head and make loose fists.

3. Inhale, then exhale and swing your arms forward as you lift your back, coming to a sitting position. Be aware that your abdominal muscles are contracting.

4. Inhale and slowly roll down, bringing your arms to the floor above your head. Repeat 5 to 10 times.

5. Straighten your legs, lower your arms, and rest.

Use the swinging momentum of your arms to come up. Make the movement smooth. Use your abdominal muscles to roll down, one vertebra at a time. The more slowly you lower your back onto the floor, the more you'll engage and strengthen your abdominal muscles.

Here's an Easier Way…
Don't come up all the way; simply lift your upper back as you swing your arms forward, or come up a little further, lifting your middle back too.

• Tones the abdomen and thighs
• Strengthens the lower back
• Warms up the body
• Stretches your shoulders

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