I've been taking some of Wai Lana's digestive supplements to help this, and so far so good. I especially like the Wai Lana goji juice. It tastes fantastic.
I've been reading more about some heart burn causes too. Here are a couple of them:
Why am I in pain?
Heartburn is as American as apple pie—more than 60 million people experience it at least once a month. For some people—those with gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD—heartburn can be a constant companion.
Some heartburn triggers are obvious: chili dogs, chocolate cake, Thanksgiving. But heartburn doesn’t stop and start with food alone. If you have constant heartburn, it's time to track down the real culprit.
Click through this slideshow to find some sneaky—and often overlooked—causes of heartburn.
As if anyone needed another reason to quit: Smoking makes GERD worse.
Smoking can weaken the valve between the stomach and esophagus (so stomach acid flows back into the esophagus); cause fat-digesting bile salts to migrate from the small intestine to the stomach; and cut down on saliva, which normally flushes stomach acid out of the esophagus and contains a natural acid-fighter, bicarbonate.
How do you spell heartburn relief? Q-U-I-T. (If you need help, visit our smoking cessation center.)
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