Thursday, September 25, 2008

Kick the smoking Habit with Yoga!

From Wailana's Weekly Message:
Kick Nicotine with Yoga
People often ask me whether yoga can help them quit smoking. It can. Practice the asanas in fresh air, focusing on the breath. Pay special attention to pranayama, yoga’s breathing techniques. After all, for some, smoking is just the urge to breathe deeply, and you will with yoga!

The more yoga you do, the more you’ll become aware of your lungs and how yoga makes you feel overall. You see, yoga enhances your lung capacity, oxygenates your cells, and increases circulation, energizing your entire body. Smoking does the opposite. If you practice regularly, one day you just might find that breathing fresh, clean air feels and tastes so good that you won’t want to inhale harmful smoke into your lungs anymore. In addition, the discipline you get from yoga and meditation can help you find the strength to kick the nicotine habit.

This is a great point here. So many people have let themselves become addicted to nicotine, and expose not only themselves to such harmful substances, but also others. Last week a good friend of ours died of lung cancer. Both his parents were smokers, but he never smoked a cigarette his whole life- yet there it is- at age 52, he died of lung cancer. It's a really sad thing to be faced with... and well, here's an answer! :)

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