Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wailana Yoga TV Series

I looooove Wailana Yoga - the TV series . I can't believe I only just found out about it. Another one of my neighbors found out that I like Wailana. Well.. turns out she's been a fan of Wailana too, but doesn't have her own Wailana DVD's yet, but just waits for the TV series to do her yoga. I think it's fantastic! But some of the asanas she teaches in the TV series are kinda harder, so I think that her DVDs are still great for those people who can't really do all that. So.. anyway :) I'm thrilled.

It's been raining cats and dogs here all day and I'm freezing. I just want to eat and eat, and it's no good really. I'll head to the gym in a few hours I'd say.

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