Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Going green

It's almost ironic sometimes, how I have these run ins with people who are either totally into going green, and who have all the green products you can think of- Wai Lana green mats, solar powered water heating systems, organic clothes, bamboo towels and what not.

Then there are those people who leave their AC on along with all the lights in their flats when they go off for a month long vacation or business travels. They eat wherever and whatever they please, and basically maintain a don't ask- don't care, don't want to know attitude towards the state of our environment.

Where to find the balance here? I think it's a matter of just educating people about the need for them to do their part, if they want to be able to continue living in a not so crazy-toxic world, and if they want their kids and grandkids to be able to play and romp in beautiful parks and etc. I gave one of the people I know one of Wai Lana's eco baskets, and because she liked it so much, she started asking about the green movement and is now trying to cut meat from her diet! I think that's a superb move to support the environment.

Happy living!

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