Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Wanted dead: Tobacco

Tobacco remains one of the biggest killers worldwide. It's predicted that over 6 million will die of lung cancer next year. An aunt of mine was just diagnosed with lung cancer a few days ago- and she never even smoked herself, but her late husband did- and yes, he died of lung cancer. It's a tragic fact that so many people care so little for themselves and for their loved ones that they would light a cigarette without thinking twice.

I'm focusing on helping my aunt get through. We are waiting for more tests to see how far gone it is and what the options are. Lung cancer is a very painful- as you can imagine, and having seen her husband go through it was painful enough- and now this. Please pray for her.

I also have a friend who's been trying to kick the habit. I told her about Wai Lana yoga - and how yoga can help to kick the habit. She said it's helping her quite well now.

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