Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Energy Levels

Oh, don't you just hate it when you have written such a long blog entry and it turns out you're not logged in and by the time you log in again, your whole post is gone?

Anyhow, I was talking about energy levels. It's been amazing to me how practicing Wailana Yoga has helped improve my energy levels so much. Being a parent is no joke, and I'm sure all other parents would tell non-parents, can you say- "Tiring?" But rewarding nonetheless.

When I watch Wai Lana singing and dancing at the end of her shows, it just makes me hopeful that I can be half as beautiful and youthful as she is when my kids are adults! I mean, Wai lana has said that she's got kids, and the way she moves, and how slim and beautiful she still is, is just a wonderful testimony for how yoga helps the body so much. I mean, doesn't that make sense?

On a side note, my kids have absolutely been losing themselves laughing at this silly baby goat playing on a horse. I'm sorry I still don't know how to embed movies onto my blog posts. Anyone have any idea?

Anyhow, hugs for everyone

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